African Catholic Community Diocese of Worcester at St. Andrew





Baptism Preparation

Do you have an infant(0-7years ) to be baptized?

First, see the priest. come with a copy of certificate of birth of the child. One of the parents must be catholic. A date will given to you(Parents) and Godparents for a Baptismal instruction at St Peter's church. All must attend. 

Can I choose anyone to be a godparent? 

NO. Not just anyone. A Godparent must be a  good practicing catholic, and must be model of how to live the Christian life. if he or she does not attend our community , they must show some recent evidence of where they attend Church.

Unbaptized children older than 7 years old? talk to the Priest 

Marriage Preparation

This is Marriage the Catholic way. First things: A recent Baptism record is necessary, certifying that sacraments of baptism,First communion and confirmation have been received before matrimony. Pre-nuptial forms have to be filled out. NO DATE is put down until the priest has assessed that the engaged couple is sufficiently prepared .

A Pre-martial inventory is taken. it helps to discuss your relationship.

Liturgical preparations for the wedding ceremony itself are made. A wedding rehearsal (usually the evening before the wedding).

A Marriage License must also be submitted  before. ( Ask Priest details). This whole process takes usually 6-9 months.


Are you an Adult who wants to become catholic? Are you an adult catholic who has not received First Communion or Confirmation. RCIA means Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. the program runs every year from October to April. See the Priest or call St Peter's Parish 5087524674 for details.

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Religious Education

This is commonly known as CCD. What does it mean to be a Catholic? What does our Faith teach? How are we to live as Catholics? Children Grades 1-12 meet every Sunday 10-11am (St Peter's) to learn our Faith. The Children are also prepared in this process to receive the Sacraments. To be fully catholic. Classes begin in September and end in June or July following the School calendar. call St Peters or See Father for details.